近日,华北电力大学(North China Electric Power University)李俊卿团队以《调相机故障诊断及研究进展》为题在《电机与控制应用》上发表最新综述论文,第一作者和通信作者均为李俊卿。

随着特高压直流输电工程的不断推广与新型电力系统中新能源占比的不断提升,特高压直流系统的送端和受端动态无功不足与惯量支撑能力不足的问题愈发突出。相较于以往的电力电子设备诸如静止无功补偿器(static var compensator,SVC)和静止同步补偿器(static synchronous compensator,STATCOM),同步调相机在故障工况下会自主响应系统的无功需求,可以提供数倍额定电流的短时过载电流。除此之外,同步调相机在电力系统发生严重故障期间可以提供有效的无功支撑,且故障穿越能力也远胜于其他电力电子设备。因此,新一代大容量调相机是未来新型电力系统中的重要设备。同步调相机作为大型旋转设备,其容量大且结构复杂,运行过程中容易发生故障,故障一旦发生将给电力系统稳定运行造成巨大影响,因此对同步调相机进行故障诊断研究具有重要意义。
图1 同步调相机定子匝间短路示意图
图2 同步调相机转子动偏心示意图
图3 调相机实物图1
图3 调相机实物图2
Progress and Research in Fault Diagnosis of Synchronous Condenser

With the continuous promotion of UHVDC transmission projects and the increasing proportion of new energy in new power systems, the problems of insufficient dynamic reactive power and insufficient inertia support capabilities at the sending and receiving ends of the UHVDC system have become increasingly prominent. Compared with previous power electronic equipment, such as static var compensator (SVC) and static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), synchronous condensers will autonomously respond to the reactive power demand of the system under fault conditions,and can provide short-term overload currents that are several times the rated current. In addition, synchronous condensers can provide effective reactive power support during severe faults in the power system, and their fault ride-through capabilities are far superior to power electronic equipment. Therefore, the new generation of large-capacity condensers is an important equipment in future new power systems. As a large rotating equipment, synchronous condenser has large capacity and complex structure. It is prone to malfunction during operation. Once a fault occurs, it will have a huge impact on the stable operation of the power system. Therefore, the fault diagnosis research of synchronous condenser has important research significance.
This paper mainly analyzes the fault mechanisms and fault characteristics of different fault forms such as stator winding inter-turn short circuit, rotor winding inter-turn short circuit, rotor eccentricity, stator waterway blockage, bearing failure, rotor winding single-point grounding, inter-turn short circuit and rotor eccentricity composite fault of synchronous condenser, and summarized the current diagnostic methods for the above faults in synchronous condensers. In addition, a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various fault diagnosis methods was conducted. Based on the analysis of various fault diagnosis methods, the current problems, technical challenges and development trends in the field of synchronous condenser fault diagnosis are expounded.
李俊卿, 黄涛, 张承志. 调相机故障诊断及研究进展[J]. 电机与控制应用, 2023, 50(10): 1-8.
LI Junqing, HUANG Tao, ZHANG Chengzhi. Progress and Research in Fault Diagnosis of Synchronous Condenser[J]. Electric Machines & Control Application, 2023, 50(10): 1-8.
Dr. Junqing LI is a full professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at North China Electric Power University. She has been engaged in teaching and scientific research in the field of electrical engineering for many years, and has published more than 100 academic papers in well-known academic journals and large international academic conferences at home and abroad.
1) Analysis of motors and their systems
2) Intelligent monitoring, condition assessment, fault diagnosis and health management of electrical equipment
3) Big data analysis and application of new energy power systems
4) Operation and control of new energy power systems
《电机与控制应用》,创刊于1959年,由上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司主办,是中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊及中国科学引文数据库来源期刊,且被中国学术期刊(光盘版)全文收录。连续多年被中文核心、科技核心等中国核心数据库收录,近年还被JST 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(日)和Pж(AJ) 文摘杂志(俄)等国外数据库收录。
《电机与控制应用》已在编委会汇集了来自国内头部高校的73位业界知名专家学者,其中包括多名中外院士及IEEE、IET等知名国际学会终身会士(Fellow)。《电机与控制应用》的文章以金色开放获取形式(Gold Open Access)在官网发布,欢迎访问阅读文章。欢迎各高校相关课题组及团队向本刊投稿,本刊不收取任何版面费或审稿费等费用!