
近日,河海大学(Hohai University)陈浈斐团队基于参数优化VMD和多尺度模糊熵的星-三角接法FS-PMM匝间短路故障诊断方法》为题在《电机与控制应用》上发表最新研究论文,第一作者和通信作者均为陈浈斐

近些年,我国电动汽车行业飞速发展,分数槽永磁电机(Fractional-Slot Permanent Magnet Machine, FS-PMM)绕组采用星-三角(Y-△)接法方式能降低谐波含量,而且在电机加工方面易于实现,能很好应用于新能源汽车行业。


图1 Y-△接法连接图


图2 匝间短路故障诊断流程图


Fault Diagnosis of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault in Star-Delta Connection FS-PMM Based on Parameter Optimization VMD and Multi-Scale Fuzzy Entropy

In recent years, China's electric vehicle industry has developed rapidly. The fractional slot permanent magnet machine (FS-PMM) winding using the star-delta (Y-△) connection method can reduce the harmonic content. And it is easy to realize in motor processing, which can be well applied to the new energy vehicle industry.

However, FS-PMM with Y-△ connection has two sets of winding structures, which are more complex. The circulating current on the inner △ connection winding will reduce the three-phase asymmetry of machine in the inter-turn short circuit fault state to a certain extent. It will result its fault characteristics different from those of the traditional machine. Aiming at the inter turn short circuit fault of FS-PMM with Y-△ connection method, a fault diagnosis method based on parameter optimization variational mode decomposition algorithm is proposed.

In this paper, the equivalent circuit model of turn to turn short circuit of Y-connected and △ connected windings in Y-△ connected FS-PMM is established, and the short-circuit current at fault is derived. Secondly, the whale optimization algorithm is improved. The improved whale optimization algorithm is used to optimize the parameters of the variational mode decomposition algorithm, so as to process the current signal; Then, the multi-scale fuzzy entropy is selected as the signal feature, and the support vector machine is used to diagnose the partial inter-turn short circuit fault of Y connection method or △ connection method.

The fault diagnosis accuracy of this method is more than 95%, and it can effectively distinguish the turn to turn short circuit fault of Y-connection and △ connection.




National Natural Foundation of China (51907052)





陈浈斐, 凌志豪, 李志新, 包淼. 基于参数优化VMD和多尺度模糊熵的星-三角接法FS-PMM匝间短路故障诊断方法[J]. 电机与控制应用, 2024, 51(6): 31-43.

CHEN Zhenfei, LING Zhihao, Ll Zhixin, BAO Miao. Fault Diagnosis of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault in Star-Delta Connection FS-PMM Based on Parameter Optimization VMD and Multi-Scale Fuzzy Entropy[J].  Electric Machines & Control Application2024, 51(6): 31-43.



陈浈斐,博士,河海大学电气与动力工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事电力设备故障诊断、电力设备电磁分析与设计等方面研究。至今发表论文40余篇,其中SCI/EI检索论文30余篇,申请发明专利16项,授权9项。作为负责人主持国家青年基金、江苏省青年基金、中国博士后基金等基金项目8项,并参与国家重点基础研究发展计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、天津市科技支撑计划重点项目、国网江苏省电力有限公司科技项目等多项国家和省部级项目的研究,获得江苏省科学技术进步三等奖。邮箱: chenzhenfei@hhu.edu.cn

Dr. Zhenfei Chen, assistant professor and master's supervisor of School of Electrical and Power Engineering of Hohai University. Her research interests include fault diagnosis of power equipment, electromagnetic analysis and design of power equipment, etc. She has published over 40 papers so far, including more than 30 SCI/EI indexed papers. She has applied for 16 invention patents and granted 9 authorizations. As the person in charge, she has led over 8 projects including the National Youth Fund, Jiangsu Provincial Youth Fund, and China Postdoctoral Fund, and participated in research on multiple national and provincial level projects, including the National Key Basic Research Development Plan, the National Natural Science Foundation Key Project, the Tianjin Science and Technology Support Plan Key Project, and the State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Science and Technology Project. She has won the third prize for scientific and technological progress in Jiangsu Province. Email: chenzhenfei@hhu.edu.cn


Ling Zhihao is a master's student at the School of Electrical and Power Engineering, Hohai University, with a research focus on electromagnetic analysis and fault diagnosis of permanent magnet machine. Email: lzh_link@163.com










  • 月刊,1959年创刊
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    • 主办单位:上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司
    • 刊号:ISSN 1673-6540
    •           CN 31-1959/TM
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